Your husband...

is the God appointed head of the house. He is the leader of the home. What an awesome responsibility! God has created a man to have broad shoulders to carry such burden. He is responsible for the final decisions of the family, providing for them, protecting them, guiding them in God's word, and helping his family become more like Christ by teaching them the principles of God.

My Home, Husbands and Wives Magazine, UK, 1934

We as, wives, need to support our husbands in this. How? By being submissive to his leading. By trusting that he has a relationship with Christ and that is where he gets his counsel. Our Christian husbands seek counsel from the Lord and relay that to the family. We support them by not fighting the decisions that are made. We can also support them as the provider by being good stewards of the money that is brought in. When we are wise in our grocery shopping, that is telling them that what they do everyday to provide for the family is important and not to be squandered. We can also be supportive by having a clean home and good food on the table when they get home. Being available to them to talk to after a hard day's work is very much needed. We are their best friends and helpmeet. They should be comfortable enough to "unload" the day on us and we should be soft enough to sit and listen and maybe even give a shoulder rub.

When we each do the roles we were given and instructed to do by God, then the house is set up like a picture of Christ and His bride. One leading, one submitting. It works wonderfully! I know from experience. ;) I encourage you today if you haven't been stepping up in your role as a helpmeet to begin to apply it in your marriage. You won't be's God ordained and God knows what He's doin'...:)


  1. This is something that I have been working on. I have always had the house clean and supper made and all that..that is something that I always have done without complaint. But a lil over a year ago, I got a wake up call, so to speak, and I have been since that day on being the BEST helpmeet I can be to my husband, and you know what? I am a better person for it...I have learned to speak sweeter, and bite my tongue when need be. I trust more....that was a hard one..I work on that everyday. I was never a mean wife..but occasionally I would be the NAGGING wife. Ya know. Now I am not perfect, but I am a better than before, and I think when you are the helpmeet that God wants you to be, then your husband is alot happier and you get along better and I could feel his attitude changing in a better direction as well.....I love it when you post about helpmeets on your word things the way I feel them..I have never been good at putting my feelings into words..thanks for sharing this. ; )

  2. Trish,
    I'm glad you enjoy the helpmeet posts. I do them to keep myself accountable. It's not always easy for me to be a good helpmeet. I tend to slip into nagging at times. ;) You are right, we are not perfect, but we are improving and that is what God wants. :)


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