Christian Feminism...

Christian women cannot effectively begin to build and strengthen their families if they do not discern some of the key lies that are cleverly interwoven into our culture today. Sadly, these lies have pervaded our churches and homes as well and many biblical lines have been blurred. Feminism has distinctly played a key role is disguising these falsehoods as truth and deceiving too many unsuspecting families.

When Christian women and men believe and embrace these obvious perversions to the scripture we end up with a problem...

We now have given birth to what is known as 'Christian feminism' in the church.

This is dangerous because it teaches Christian women the opposite of scripture. It does not seek to build their homes but instead tears it down. The world uses every medium of communication to dispose their misleading forgeries upon unsuspecting families, but we must be wise to discern our lifestyles and philosophies today- especially among the body of Christ.

Pastor William Einwechter shares his thoughts on six areas where we have strayed from biblical norms in his article The Feminization of the Family:

"The feminization of the family is seen in at least six areas:

First, marriage has been destabilized, and divorce is rampant. Feminism’s “diabolization of marriage” has made divorce “socially and psychologically more acceptable by the idea that it is a reasonable response to a defective and dying institution.” The biblical teaching that marriage is a divine and covenantal institution that binds a man and woman together for life by a sacred vow (Gen. 2:18-24; Matt. 19:3-9) has been repudiated by modern society. The biblical concept has been replaced with the notion that marriage is a mere human institution, an imperfect one at that, and that divorce is a reasonable way to deal with any misery associated with it.

Second, male headship in the family has been replaced by an “egalitarian” arrangement where the husband and wife “share” in the leadership responsibilities of the family. The scriptural idea that the man is head of the family (1 Cor. 11:3-12; Eph. 5:22-23) and lord of his household (1 Pet. 3:5-6) is considered by feminists to be both tyrannical and barbaric, a vestige of primitive man and his ability to physically dominate his spouse. In our day, the overwhelming majority of both men and women scoff at the notion that the wife should submit to her husband’s authority.

Third, the man as provider has been rejected for a new model of joint economic responsibility. The view of our time is that the man is no more responsible than the woman to provide for the financial needs of the family. Feminists believe that the scriptural teaching the man is the family provider (1 Tim. 5:9) is part of a male conspiracy to hold women down by making them economically dependent on men.

Fourth, the women as a full-time homemaker is scorned, and the working woman who seeks fulfillment and independence in employment outside of her home is now a cultural norm. The biblical mandate that a woman be a “keeper at home” (Titus 2:4-5) is either unknown or unheeded. Feminist-minded folks consider it to be a demeaning thing for a woman to stay at home and confine her work to the sphere of her house and her family. A career is considered more suitable and meaningful for today’s wife and mother.

Fifth, the biblical norm of a woman as a nurturer of children has been replaced by the feminist ideal of a working mother who places her children in “daycare” so that she can pursue other important matters. The responsibility of motherhood is seen in far different terms than it was in the past. The biblical call to the mother to be with her children, to love, train, teach, and protect them (1 Tim. 2:15; 5:14) is rejected for the feminist vision of the woman who is freed from such constraints on her individuality and own fulfillment.

Sixth, the idea that a large family is a “blessing” is rejected for notion that a small family of one or two children (and for some, no children at all) is far better. The concept of “family planning” geared at reducing the number of children in the home is advocated by nearly all. The biblical teaching that a large family is due to God’s blessing and sovereignty (Ps. 127; 128) is despised by modern families, even those claiming to be Christian. The feminist’s view that we determine the number of children we will have, that we are sovereign over such matters is now accepted with hardly a question. Of course, this supposed sovereignty over life and birth leads to a justification of abortion, the ultimate birth control."

*Be sure to read this post carefully.* This is not a post attacking women who have to work or have to stop having children due to medical reasons,etc. It is attacking the ideas that demean, ridicule and mock what is holy and upheld in Scripture. We need to take a closer look at what is accepted as normative society today and see how it parallels with Scripture.

And in the spirit of Proverbs 31 and Titus 2,

we must be able to defend scripture
and the biblical family
even if it means taking a stand against this world
and it's misleading fallacies
and understand that





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