Ask Your Husband...

There is a freedom that God has given us as women. That freedom is the umbrella of authority that He has placed before us to protect us. The umbrella of authority that protects a women is first:

1. God
2. Her Husband

Once a woman understands that submission to her husband is true freedom and woman can begin to truly enjoy and experience peace with true abandonment simply because she is acting in accord to what the Lord has purposed for her life.

It is very freeing to know that the many weighty decisions that must be made for our families are ultimately our husbands responsibility. We will not be held accountable for our families the way our husbands will be---for God called Adam into account and not Eve.

It is a good thing to ask our husbands advice on all matters. We should not look to our family, parents, church leaders or other Christian woman first. Whenever woman ask me for advice I try to ask them 'What did your husband say about this matter?" and they will often reply "My husband? Well, I haven't told him yet..." and I then proceed to encourage them to quickly do so.

See ladies, so often I hear the very same ladies complain that their husbands are not the 'spiritual leaders' they think they should be. Well, I assure you, that as wives there are many ways we can help our husbands to become that leader simply by equipping him with confidence. Behind every great man, there is a woman and that woman helped to influence him to who he is today. Surely this is not always the case, but women should not belittle, ridicule or neglect consulting their husbands because this is not building him up. We equip them with confidence by going to them and asking their opinions and getting the final word from them. As they see us trusting them in their decision making they will steadily become more confident and emboldened to speak into our lives and others. This is part of God's plan to shape a godly man, by having his wife trust in him and submit. It is a blessed thing to witness a women who says 'let me ask my husband first'. Once we begin asking it becomes much easier to do this in the future. Most men are willing to die for their wives and families so why do we neglect to give them the honor of going to them first? When we follow the Lord's commands it is the beautiful, sacrificial act of submission---and for the Christian woman this means His unsurpassing peace and joy.

~From "A Wise Woman Builds Her Home"


  1. That 2nd little paragraph makes my heart leap in joy! Thanks for such a great post with good reminders! I have loved laying my hand on my husband during the night as he sleeps and pray for Gods faithfulness and leadership in his life. Do you know what I mean?

  2. I very much agree with this! It is shocking to me that MOST of our friends do not have this set up in their home. Matthew and I talk about EVERYTHING. He knows that there is nothing hidden within me that he doesn't know. He knows after a day out that he will hear all about it. And he sits and he listens to me, I love that. He is a quiet person but he will find the time to hear me out as if I were an excited five year old girl. ;) He is my best friend. Anyway, we from the start set up a rule on money. We didn't want it to become the issue it is for some women. I know women 10,000 dollars in debt and the husband has no clue! They spend the husband's money! Our rule was that if I had to spend more than 20 dollars on a shopping trip that I call him and we talk it out. He does the same for me. Because of this we only have around 2 or 3 overspending issues in our whole 12 year marriage. And those times we were together. HA HA. It may sound to some that this would be controlling, but it has forced us to slow down and weigh our desire/needs of the product in question. Of course we agree on the grocery list beforehand. We don't argue about money...we really didn't even do that with an 11 month unemployment! I see money taking hold of so many marriages and I hate it, it makes me sad, it is just nothing! And because I have respected Matt's money I would like to think this is why it has never been an issue. He never holds out on me for my needs, they are always met, and he will go out of his way to meet them. It makes me feel cherished. Sorry...I just loved this post today!

  3. Thanks for the comments...
    Catherine...I know what you mean. I pray for Ryan often to have godly wisdom and to be the loving leader of our home.


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