A Lack of Submission...

We can never learn enough about submission. The more we know about respecting our husbands and submitting the better we will be at bringing glory to God. Here is a list I stumbled upon:

Specific Ways Wives Are Not Submissive

1. She does things that are annoying or vexing to her husband.
Proverbs 21:19

(Note: a woman who is vexing is "irritating, annoying, puzzling, baffling, bothersome and will debate at length.")

2. She does not discipline the children as she should (even after her husband asks her to).
Proverbs 29:15

3. She is more loyal to others than to her husband.
Proverbs 31:11

4. She argues or pouts or gives him the cold shoulder when she does not get her own way.
Proverbs 29:15

5. She does not stay within the limits of their budget.
Proverbs 19:14

She corrects, interrupts, talks for her husband and is too outspoken when others are around.
Proverbs 27:15,16

7. She manipulates him to get her own way. She may manipulate by deceit, tears, begging, nagging, complaining, anger or intimidation.
Luke 10:40

8. She makes important decisions without consulting him.
1 Corinthians 11:3

(Note: Occasionally, a husband will instruct his wife that in certain areas she is to make the decisions. In those cases, when authority is delegated to her she then has freedom to choose. Otherwise, he should be consulted in all matters (that are important to him) and she should submit to his headship.)

9. She directly defies his wishes.
1 Samuel 15:23

10. She worries about the decisions he makes and takes matters into her own hands.
Phillipians 4:7,8

11. She does not pay attention to what he says.
James 1:19

Submission is the way that all Christians should respond to God and the way the wife should respond to her husband. She can respond with tenderness, gentleness, and gracious obedience or she can respond with harshness and irritation. We can begin today to be a gentle, godly, submissive wife to our husbands. It is the heart of God for us.

(---list by Martha Peace)


  1. I love this it is a good reminder for us wives. Thanks for posting. Could I have permission to post it on my blog? Have a great day. Rebekah

  2. Sure thing, Rebecca. I got it from "A Wise Woman Builds Her Home." :)

  3. You have a lot of great posts here! I'll have to come back to read more when I have time!

    I am your newest follower!

    Have a great weekend!

    Mrs. White


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