Adam's Armor...

This is an excerpt from the book "Created To Be His Helpmeet" by Debbie Pearl. I have been looking it over again and finding little gems that I had forgotten about...

"In my mind, I picture the man (Adam) being created heavily armored. His armor is helpful both spiritually and physically. God loaded him down with resistances, giving him a nature that is doubting, skeptical, forceful, and pushy. God knew that in order for man to survive, and even prosper, he would need a natural armor that would drive him to keep pushing against the odds, while enjoying the challenge. God knew that satan was a liar and the master of deceit, so he created man to question first and believe later. Man's objectivity and lack of intuitiveness make him appear less spiritual than the sensitive, believing female. As a general rule, man is ruled more by his mind than the female, who is governed more by her sensibilities. Picture God deliberately creating the woman without this armor, because he intended for her to stand behind her husband's armor. He was to be her covering, her shield, and her protector. Satan was able to deceive her when she left Adam's side and confronted the devil's logic alone. She didn't have the armor to ward off his fiery darts of deceit." (emphasis mine)

This is a very interesting concept for me...When we don't stand behind the armor that was given our husbands, then we are very vulnerable to satan's attacks. God didn't create us to be the protectors, but the nurturers. We are free to do that when we are fully protected. Let your husband's be your covering...


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