What it means to be me...

It means being simple. I love simple things. I love the sound of frogs at night when I sleep with the windows open with a nice breeze blowing across the bed. I love the smell of the country. I love the smell of the corn in the summer when the sun heats it up and the wind carries the scent to my nose.

Being me means having a simple heart. With this heart, I love my family and friends. With it I have compassion on others and a burden for the lost. With it I have a zeal for righteousness...wanting it in my own life and wanting it in the lives of the ones I love. With it I hurt. I hurt when others hurt and I hurt when circumstances are rough. With this heart, I love the Savior.

Being me means having silly little pleasures like watching my chickens run. It is so funny that no matter how many times I see it, I laugh. Pleasures like eating all natural ice cream with strawberries on it. Pleasures like sitting by a bonfire and watching the flames dance and pondering on my life and my future. Pleasures like the smell of home cooked food in our home and watching my family enjoy the results of my efforts. Pleasures like taking walks or riding my bike on warm days with friends and family.

Being me means sometimes saying the wrong things. I tend to put my foot in my mouth often. I'm not very eloquent with words. I usually just speak what's on my heart. I need to work on tact a bit. :)

Being me means having a desire for an earthly father...now I know that is NOT a need. I have a heavenly Father who loves me very much. That is what I need. But, it's a wonderful thing to have someone fill a gap to be there in the flesh to get advice from, to learn from, to hang out with, and to be loved for just being you. What a blessing. If God decides to provide that for me, great. :) If He decides not to, well, He knows what He's doing. I will be content with the relationships I have.

Being me means being sick. Yes, that is part of being me, but it's just a part. I live with it everyday and feel it's effects everyday, but God has allowed it and I really try not to complain too much. Having a neuromuscular disease is rough, but I hang on to the good things in my life and it makes it easier to bear.

Being me means not being perfect. I am the biggest sinner I know. I mess up a lot. I get frustrated, irritated, hurt, honked off, etc. But, I have a repented heart. I desire strongly to become more like Christ. I strive daily to be the best helpmeet I can be and a great mom to our son. I'm a work in progress. I try to be a good friend, too. I know I'm probably not always the best. My desire for an earthly father has caused some strife in the lives of my "dad" and his wife. I don't want to do that. I don't need that relationship and would be happy to just have a relationship with them. I'm sure I've been selfish in that area. God is still working in it...

Being me means being different than most other women I know. I do things and like things most women don't think about. There are very few women at our church that have the same things in common with me. I like to sew, cook from scratch, live simply, raise chickens, live in the country, can, hunt, ride 4-weelers, wear just skirts, etc. I have a different way of thinking than most of the women I know. I believe in the biblical principle of the headship order. I no longer wear the covering, but the principles are still in effect in our home.

Being me means enjoying traveling to wonderful places and seeing the beauty that God created. I'm hoping to make a trip in 2011 to see Montana. Somewhere I've always wanted to see my whole life. I enjoyed the beauty of the Southwest when we lived there as missionaries to the Navajo. I enjoy the South, also. So many wonderful things to see and experience. :)

Being me is pretty simple....well sorta. :)


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