Thank you...

I just wanted to say thank you to those who have prayed satan off my back. I am feeling better today. :) Thank you for interceding for a complete stranger. God hears and it's a blessing to know that the body of believers fight for each other. :)

Despite the attacks from satan, our family has stayed strong. The captain and I have had some pretty fierce arguments, but have realized each time that we are not the enemy. We have stopped our arguments and prayed in the middle of it. We are not letting satan pit us against each other. We are stronger together. He desires to separate us with arguments so he can attack each one separately. We are standing together and not letting him separate us. We are united and the picture of Christ and the church is maintained. Separating a man and wife through arguments is much like satan trying to separate Christ and the church through gossip, backbiting, slander, etc. We are easier targets when we are separate, when we are not connected to Christ. Continue to build that relationship with Christ so you will not be easily distracted or deceived. Maintain the headship order in your home. It is a beautiful picture to be a part of...


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