Created to be his helpmeet...

If you haven't read this book yet, I recommend you do. It gives a good insight as to what God has created us to do and be. It is based on Titus 2 and goes through several scriptures and how you can implement them into being a helpmeet. I got this book years ago when I was leading a ladies bible study. We all went through it. I did it because I needed to. I didn't have much of a clue on how to be a good helpmeet. A friend of mine in that was in that group years ago has let someone borrow theirs and they are going through it together. She lent hers to her friend so I lent mine to her. :)

If you do read it, I recommend you either let your husband read it or read it to him. When you are just beginning to work our your "roles", it can be of tremendous help to him. He will get an idea of what he is leading you in and will know what he needs to keep you on track with. When he knows what you were created to do, he will get an idea of what he was created to do. :)

Even when we know that we were created to be his helpmeet, it can be difficult to accomplish. Our rebellious spirit will try and rear it's ugly head. We will fight against what doesn't seem comfortable. But, I urge you to let your husband guide you in this. Let him remind you of what you are supposed to do and don't get angry, but try...try...try again. You won't be sorry. When the roles that God has put in place are fulfill, the mystery of Christ and the church becomes more clear. You get to see a glimpse of how things work in heaven. How cool is that! :)

So if you haven't yet, grab this book and read it with an open mind. I won't say I agree with everything in it...but, for the most part it is right on target. :) It would be a good starting point for a woman who is not quite sure how to be her husband's helpmeet. :) Happy reading...


  1. I love this book it is awesome! I highly reccomend it. I have read it about four times. It helps me to keep on track and be the wife God wants me to be. I do have to say I do not agree with everything but as Stephanie said for the most part it is right on target. You will not be sorry you read this belive me God will change you through the reading of this book if you allow Him to. Thanks so much for posting about this Stephanie. Have a great night. Rebekah


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