The glory of her husband...

Eighteen Ways a Wife May be the Glory of Her Husband

1. Ask your husband, "What are your goals for the week?"

2. Ask your husband, "How can I help you accomplish your goals?"

3. Ask "Is there anything that I can do to make it easier for you?"

4. Be organized with your housekeeping. Then your husband will be free to do his work.

5. Save energy for him everyday.

6. Put him first over children, parents friends, job, Ladies Bible studies, etc.

7. Willingly and cheerfully rearrange your schedule for him when necessary.

8. Talk about him in a positive light to others. Do not slander him at all, even if what you are saying is true.

9. Do whatever you can to help him succeed and accomplish his goals. (Ex: Run errands for him, pray for him, organize your day to be available to help him w/projects, make good suggestions--but don't be offended if he does not follow it.)

10. Consider his work (job, goals, hobbies, work for the Lord) as more important than your own.

11. Think of specific ways you can help him accomplish his goals (ex: keep careful record of money spent in budget, take care in recording telephone messages)

12. Consider the things you are involved in. How do they glorify your husband? Ask his guidance.

13. Be warm and gracious toward his family and friends. Make your commitment obvious to them.

14. Do and say things that build him up instead tear him down.

15. Dress and apply your makeup in a n attractive manner that is pleasing
to your husband.
16. When your husband sins, reprove him privately and gently, always give him hope and pointing him to the Lord.

17. Encourage him to use his spiritual gifts in ministry.

18. Realize that just as God is glorified when man obeys Him, your husband is glorified when you obey your husband.

(From 'The Excellent Wife' by Martha Peace, slightly revised)


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