The Ornament of a Meek & Quiet Spirit...

A woman must bear up under many cares and burdens in a single day. She has a husband to please, children to nurture, train and educate, and a home to maintain. Her call is not just to perform her duty, but in that duty, bring glory to God in the way she responds to those the Lord has entrusted to her. If she is lacking the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit she will have cause to be in constant irritation, being easily provoked daily. While governing our families, we are in need of this grace in order to keep our own spirit under control.

Meekness is spoken of as an adornment that is incorruptible ( 1 Peter 3:3-5). Unlike the adornment of our clothes which fade with the wearing, the graces of the hidden man become stronger in time. It is a softness of temper, a gentleness, forbearance under provocation and injuries, void of passion, pride and immoderate anger. The work and office of meekness enable us to control our own anger when we are provoked, and patiently bear the anger of others while not allowing it to excite anger or cause resentment in us. It is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.
I have found strength in memorizing a portion from "The Christian's Daily Walk" by Henry Scudder on how to discern if one's anger is sinful or not. The Lord will bring it to remembrance at times when I have felt the heat of my anger rise. I pray you will find it helpful.

Anger is sinful when:
First, It is without cause: as when neither God is dishonored, nor your neighbor or yourself indeed injured; when it is for trifles, and only because you are crossed in your will and desire, and the like; but chiefly when you are angry with any for well doing, 1 Kings xxii.24-26.
Secondly, Though you have cause, yet if it extinguish your love to the person with whom you are angry; so that you neglect the common and needful offices thereof.
Thirdly, When it exceeds due measure, as when it is over much, and over long.
Fourthly, It is sinful when it brings forth evil and unseemly effects, such as neglect, or ill performance of any duty to God or man; also when it breaks out into loud, clamorous, or reviling speeches, or into churlish, sullen, or indecent behavior, or when it is attended with any injurious act.

A true woman of God's work begins in the ordering and commanding of her own spirit. The attributes of the inner man are a woman's chief ornament, they are what the world truly sees. We may put on expensive or fashionable garments to adorn ourselves, but only a composed calm, and quiet spirit will render a woman lovely and beautiful.
Meekness is a work of the spirit and is freely given at the feet of Jesus. It is a garment only He can prepare for us. We must lay and submit ourselves under the influence of it. Christ commands that we follow after it (1 Tim. 6:11). As we pray in faith believing, the Lord will supply us with His grace to display meekness in our words, in our looks, and in our actions toward our children and husband.
May Christ adorn us in meekness and present us to our families clothed in His gentleness.

Copyrighted 1998 by Georgene Girouard. You may reproduce this article in it's entirety.


  1. Thank you Stephanie, for such a timely article...just what I needed! Exactly what I needed!! Bless you!

  2. Jesus gives freely - gosh that sounds so good to me today!


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