The Gentle Mother...

I love art that displays a mother being gentle with her children, beautiful motherhood touches lives around us in powerful ways and the influence runs deep.

I am always so inspired by gentle mothers that I see around me. Their gentle voices, their unnerving patience---all traits I so desire to greatly cultivate in myself. If we are to "love our children" the world around us should be able to validate Gods Word as true by being around us and seeing that our interaction with our children affirms that.

"Let your gentleness be evident to all." Phillipians 4:5

If we are to raise sons and daughters that will also love their children, it is imperative that it is modeled it for them. How many times have your caught yourself raising your voice to your children and have found them doing or saying exactly what you were doing later that day? They mimic all that we do, so from the minute we awake we must practice what I call 'purposeful parenting'. Everything we do they are absorbing and taking in like sponges. Our responsibility is to teach them to have self command and learn to heed the Word of God.
~A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

I came across this today and thought I would share it. Being gentle is one of my desires...


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