Lesson 14 on biblical submission...

This one is long, but I think it's really interesting.

Proverbs 31:21 - She Fears God Alone

This Scripture-Picture was lovingly created by
Lori @ I Will Take It Lord, All You Have to Give.

In the beginning of this study (WEEK #2: The Wife and The Rib) you were asked a very important question that you should consider every day of your life: "How will you use the 'power' God gave you, today?"

I pray daily that we will all choose to serve Christ first, by submitting to our husbands, thereby providing protection for them and our entire households from the schemes of Satan. As I have stated in previous lessons, a Biblically submissive wife is no wimp. No, she is definitely a force to be reckoned with; as she must not only carry her own burdens, but that of her husband and entire household; and perhaps, the burdens of other brothers and sisters in Christ along the way. Unlike an un-Biblically submissive woman who has been "liberated" by society through the feminist movement, who, at best carries only her own burdens.

But the Biblically submissive wife, puts her full trust in the LORD God alone, therefore, all her work is good, is blessed and very fruitful. As a matter of fact, her life so overflows with good fruit in Christ, that anyone who is in her vicinity can't help but be blessed themselves....even without her knowledge!

Knowing this, I don't think I prefer to be "liberated" by society's feminists movement; as I find it very suppressive, demeaning, and limits a woman in exercising all her God-given gifts and abilities. I prefer to be a Biblically submissive wife who faithfully exercises the quiet characteristics of all the strong, influential women of Scripture who were so beautiful and precious in the sight of the LORD God Almighty.

I would like to take today's verse and break it down into two very delicious morsels. Are you hungry? Good! Then let's dig into the delectable word or our LORD and feast on His goodness and absolute truth!

First Slice

"She is not afraid of snow for her household," (ESV)


"When it snows, she has no fear for her household;" (CJB)1

According to this portion of the verse, a Proverbs 31, Biblically submissive wife, does not have any fear of the winter, or give any honor (reverence) to the cold, or is frightened by anything winter might bring: whether it brings snow, illness, the death of her crops or freeze any or her assets. No, it seems the winter has really no significant effect on such a woman.

Let's dig deeper into God's glorious Word and find out why, she has no fear of the things any average woman would fear.

The word "afraid" or "fear" used here in Proverbs 31:21, is a verb and comes from the Hebrew word, yare' which means: to fear; morally, to revere; caus. to frighten.2

There are other Scriptures that use the Greek noun, phobos which is defined to be the word that: first had the meaning of "flight," that which is caused by being scared; then, "that which may cause flight,".3

As you can see, there is a stark difference between the definition of the Hebrew word yare' used here in Proverbs 31:21, and the Greek word phobos used elsewhere in Scripture. Yare' is used to describe a sense of fear due to awe, which causes a person to desire to draw near and find shelter in that which produced this sense awe. Whereas phobos is used to describe the sense of being scared, not awe, but afraid of some impending doom that it causes a person to "take flight" rather than draw near.

Understanding the definition of the word "fear" is important to note before we examine the verses below that also refer to "the fear of God":

"The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."

~ Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
(emphasis added)

All the Scriptures noted above, pertaining to the "fear of the Lord" are so full of God's holy and pure love, they are reassuring, bring comfort and security found only in Christ; reminding our hearts and minds of our Father God's promises only for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose in Christ Jesus our Lord. Truly, there is no higher calling or greater honor in Heaven or on earth, than to be called, the children of the Most High God, and that is what we are! (1 John 3:1)

One of the reasons a Biblically submissive wife runs to God instead of running away from Him is because she knows that He is not only Sovereign, but He is also Good! One of the things I daily thank God for, is that He is good! Could you imagine if Satan, who is evil had God's omnipotence? I shudder to even think of such a horror! Which brings me into even deeper gratitude that God is Sovereign AND Good! Is this part of your daily offering of gratitude to God? Because if it isn't, make sure it is now.

As I was studying and preparing to write this lesson, I was also telling God how grateful I am that He is Sovereign and Good. During this time, I was reminded of a movie. The movie is "The Second Chance" (starring, Michael W. Smith). In this movie, we are reminded Who we are serving, and Who we are living for - Christ Jesus, alone. Not for our so-called reputations, not for the applause of men, not for selfish gain and certainly not out of God's divine order of things.

I don't usually quote movies, but this is a great movie about keeping our priorities straight (constantly acknowledging that Jesus Christ is our First Love). This quote comes at the very end of the movie when the Senior Pastor of a mega-church realizes that he has become weak spiritually, and therefore gave Satan a foothold to drag him down to the belief that bigger always means better; that more praise from men, meant greater success; and ultimately the pleasure of men was more important than the One he committed his life; to love and serve, Jesus our Lord. But God is gracious and compassionate and is slow to anger and quick to forgive those who truly repent and seek His face. And when this Senior Pastor does this, God blesses him, by allowing him to clearly see what had become of him. That is when this pastor makes this statement:

"I want to remember what it's like to be that lightening rod; to fear absolutely nothing, but God Almighty."

And this my sisters, is something we should all be able to say.

All the Scriptures we have read in reference to the word "fear" used in Proverbs 31:21, state that a Biblically submissive, Proverbs 31 wife does not "fear" or is not "afraid" of her circumstances, anything or anybody. The Scriptures have made it unequivocally clear that this woman does not give anything or anyone the supreme position in her life, that only belongs to God. She fears God, and God alone; therefore she is secure in all things, regardless of her circumstances. She has learned the secret and blessing of contentment: whether well fed or hungry, in abundance or in need; she is confident that she can do all things through Christ, who alone strengthens her. (Philippians 4:11-13 and 1 Timothy 6:6-7)

Second Slice

"for all her household are clothed in scarlet." (ESV)


"since all of them are doubly clothed" (CJB)

Scarlet and crimson were the firmest of dyes, and thus not easily washed out.5 This would explain why Kings and Queens chose to use this red (scarlet) that sometimes looked purple, for their royal robes. It would be clear that it would be most unseeming for someone of royal stature to wear something that would fade. Just as the LORD Himself is dressed in His unfading light, where there is no darkness that can neither affect nor diminish His brilliance; He will also, bestow upon His children unfading crowns of glory when we go Home (1 John 1:5 and 1 Peter 5:4).

Why did King Lemuel's mother decide it was significant to mention that a Biblically submissive wife clothes herself and her entire household in scarlet? The answer is found in the Scripture below:

"but let your adornment be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable [unfading] beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious."

~ 1 Peter 3:4
Interestingly, both the curtains for the tabernacle and the veil (that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place) was made of blue, purple and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen. (Exodus 26:1 and 31-34). As we know, the Lord Jesus Christ promises to make the sins, that is like scarlet (not easily washed out), as white as snow (pure) for all who repent and trust their lives to Him.

Can you imagine? Our sins are so disgusting, so putrid, so repulsive, filthy and vile in the sight of a holy and pure God, that the only thing that can cleanse us, is the precious blood of God Himself, fully manifested in the man, Jesus Christ? I know for certain if there was anything else, any other way, our sins could be cleansed, God would have chosen to spare His One and Only Son. As we know, the Son asked, "My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will." (Matthew 26:39) And we also know, the Father allowed His One and Only Son to drink the full cup of God's wrath, applying the righteous punishment for the sins we committed, all on the only One who was without sin. Now I see why God had the Prophet Isaiah prophecy that while our sins are like scarlet, He will cleanse us, as white as snow.(Isaiah 1:18) This is why Christ alone, is worthy of all our love, praise and worship.

It is clear why a Biblically submissive, Proverbs 31 wife clothes herself and her entire household in scarlet. According to all the Scriptures we've referenced thus far, regarding the color scarlet, it is evident that she recognizes both she and her household are blessed partakers of royal heritage; and that she possesses an unfading beauty that is so precious to God, the fragrance of Christ permeates throughout her household, bringing life (salvation) into her home. (2 Corinthians 2:14-17)

The CJB version reads: "since all of them are doubly clothed." What does it mean to be "doubly" clothed? And why does one use a double portion of clothing?

Well, to answer these questions in the physical sense; to be doubly clothed simply means to have two layers of clothing to cover a person from cold, from sickness and/or from any exterior elements that may bring harm to a person otherwise. When someone wears two layers of clothing, it is never in usual or comfortable circumstances. No, when someone wears two layers of clothing, it is because they are in unusually cold and/or difficult situations that causes them to require a second layer in order to successfully endure the harsh conditions or exposure to harmful elements.

In the spiritual sense, these questions can be answered for those who are in Christ; have been washed by the blood of Jesus for the forgiveness of our sins, and sealed with the Holy Spirit until our bodies are redeemed. Therefore the blood of Jesus saves us, and the Holy Spirit of God sanctifies us through and through, keeping us safe and protected from our own sinful flesh, all of Satan's schemes, and the temptations of this world. Thus, children of God are "doubly" clothed, by Christ's robe of righteousness and sealed by His Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 31:21 is a beautiful depiction of a woman who loves and fears God. She stands in awe of His Sovereignty and goodness. Her eyes are fixed on Jesus, therefore the fierce winds of trials and the crashing waves of uncertain times do not shake her, because she knows full well that her life is kept by the Solid Rock - Jesus Christ Himself. Therefore she is free to go on about the work He has given her, during her short visit here.

As we have already seen and will continue to see in Proverbs 31, a Biblically submissive wife, confidently and faithfully goes about her work, with much strength and endurance. She makes sure her heart is well dressed with gratitude, humility, joy and peace. And she makes sure her outer dress matches her inner dress, by clothing herself and her entire household in a manner that signifies that they are all of royal heritage, and well protected as their robes are made of scarlet and are of double thickness.

Lord God in Heaven, thank You for giving us Your Word so that we might find life, prosperity and honor in Your Son. We so desire to bask in the abundant life that Jesus promised us! Prosperity that the world can neither give, nor touch, richness in Christ our God! We want to be adorned with Christ's love and indulge in His intimacy! Oh LORD our God, thank You for your loving-kindness! We are grateful that You are Sovereign AND Good! Thank You for Your gift of repentance that works salvation! Teach us LORD to love others as You have loved us! May all people bless and give honor and glory to the Name of Jesus, because of Your daughters who love You!


  1. Continue with your Love Dare Journal. Please be sure not to miss a day.
  2. Look up every Scripture in this lesson and journal all those that apply to you and where you are personally in your walk with the Lord, right now.
  3. Choose 1,2 or 3 of the nine (9) passages of Scripture listed above (in the First Slice) that refer to "the fear of God, then memorize these Scriptures only.


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