Praying for our military...

"Wrestling prayer can wonders do,
Bring relief in deepest straits;
Prayer can force a passage through
Iron bars and brazen gates."

I am thankful for all my family that has served in the military. In fact, out of all the kids in my family, I was the only one who didn't serve. I am thankful for their contribution to our country.

I pray for our military and I hope you do, too. They have a lot of sacrifices they make for us all. My son told me yesterday that he wanted to join the military when he turns 18. He is 14. He gave me lots of good reasons why he wanted to join. We will see what God has in store for him. :)

I encourage you to keep our military and their families in your prayers.


  1. Dear Stephanie,
    I just found your blog after you wrote on my wall :) I see we must be similarly old-fashioned and love the Lord and our husbands! That alone makes us like-minded! LOL I would like to 'copy' the "wrestling prayer can do wonders" quote. Did you write it? It is powerful and lovely. I will "Like" your page (and I look forward to visiting with you here and at DeepRoots again) Have a blessed evening!

  2. You can certainly copy the prayer. :) It came from a devotional I dearly love called Streams in the Desert. No author to the quote.
    Blessings to you!


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