Overcoming fear...

Earlier this week, I lost a bit of sight in my right eye for a bit. The following day I decided to go ahead and go to the eye doctor. They did some tests and found that my cup-to-disc ratio in my eyes are not normal. I have a very large cup and very little disc. The disc is the nerve tissue in your eyes. Anyway, it means glaucoma. In both eyes. This glaucoma is not due to high pressure in the eye. They are not quite sure what has caused this. Possibly poor circulation to the eye. They just have no way of knowing why it's that way, just that it is and it's not due to high internal eye pressure. So I can't take drops to lower the pressure because it doesn't need it. I was told to take baby aspirin to help the circulation to the nerves in my eyes. I will start that tomorrow. There is no reversing the damage and I may have some dimness periodically. The good news is that the damage has not progressed. I will have a recheck in 4 mos or sooner if I have more vision loss. So far it's just been transient vision loss. I'm praying it continues to be a slow progression. The doctor said that vision loss can sneak up on you and one day just be snuffed out. But, with the slow progression and regular checks, hopefully I will have a warning. And who knows, it may progress so slow that I won't experience permanent loss ever. :) The temporary vision loss is ok with me because it comes back. :)

I said all that to say this....I was fearful at first when the doctor told me what he did. I was afraid I'd lose my sight someday. He joked and said "You sure do go for the rare things." LOL I had to let the fear go because I realize that God is in control and if He sees fit for me to lose my vision some day, then that's what He decided and I know He knows best in every situation. It makes me appreciate all the beauty He has created even more. Oh, I have always wondered at His creation for as long as I can remember. I want to see even more now. I believe He will give me many more years of sight. I don't know how many, but I will savor every moment I have. :)

God doesn't want us to live in fear. He didn't give us a spirit of fear. He wants us to TRUST Him in ALL things, great and small. I have had many opportunities to learn that throughout my life. My God is a good God and He gives us what we need for each day. He is compassionate, loving, strong, and has concern for His children. I TRUST Him....and I know, There is a day....


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