Back from the doctor...

Here's a little update.

Although my Myasthenia Gravis is progressing, we decided that a treatment would be the VERY last resort due to the ill effects I have had with both IVIG and plasmapheresis. So, he has doubled my immunosuppressive dose. This will slow the progression. I showed him my research on the supplement Moducare and he stated that he didn't care if I took it or not. He said he wasn't sure if it would work or not. But, it's worth a shot.

I think it helps as patients to have an understanding of your disease. We need to keep updated on things and the best treatment options for ourselves. We need to know our limits and our strengths. In all this, we need to keep God centered because He is after all the Great Physician. He knows best. I will try the experimental supplement and hope for the best. If nothing else, it should lessen the side effects of the immunosuppressive. It could however, modulate my immune system like the IVIG would and I could potentially start to feel much better from that. Either way, it's worth a shot. :)

Thank you all for the prayers. I really appreciate the prayers/concerns from strangers that care and share a love for the Lord. His will be done.


  1. Yes, His will be done! And may we all find comfort there, looking forward to that day when we will all be with HIM!
    Hey I'm not tooo strange,IMHO, but I continue to pray for you ;-)

  2. I do look forward to the day of no more pain or suffering. :) What a day to look forward to! And no Papa Bob, you are NOT too strange. lol. I am honored that you continue to pray for me.


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