Saying goodbye...

I had to say goodbye to my husband this morning.  He left for Haiti.  I dropped him off at church and standing outside in the drizzly cold waiting for him and the team to leave I couldn't help but think about what God is doing in our lives.  We have come so far from our lives being like the cold drizzle I was standing in to what the weather is like in Haiti right now, warm and sunny.  My husband and I have been together for 17 years and God has done a wonderful work in us.  Christ is the center of our marriage now.  He wasn't back then.  Things get hairy when we forget to keep Him in the center.  But, by God's grace, we are quick learners and straight away put Him right back where He belongs, as the head and center of our lives.

My husband's best friend, who is also going on the trip, hugged me goodbye and I realized how sweet that hug was.  God was telling me how important it is to have godly people in our lives.  They are there to encourage us, watch out for us, keep us accountable to His will, and just plain live life with.  We have been blessed to have him and his wife as friends now for 10 years.

I pray during this time of separation, that I can look within myself and get serious about His will for my life.  In this season of my life, His will for me is to care for my family, love my husband and be his helpmeet, encourage others, and when the opportunity arises to win the lost and disciple the winners.  I want to be better at all those things...

Please keep my husband, our family, and the team in your prayers.


  1. It is always hard to say goodbye to some one you love but how sweet is the homecoming going to be. When does you husband return?

    Christ is so important in our lives, I can't imagine living without Him. He is part of my every moment. Sadly I am not married to a Christian (long story) so we do not have a marriage based on Christ which makes me very sad. But I tether in the Lord to show me the way.

  2. Jo, I agree, Christ is SO important in our lives. :) I couldn't image going through live without Him! The captain will be gone 10 days. I am anticipating his return already, but excited to see what God is doing in Haiti. :)


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