Keeping up...

No, not with the Jones'. :) With your housework.....Ugh. If you don't keep up with the work, it adds up and the task can become monumental. Here are a few tips to stay on as not to feel like this...

Housewife Mrs. Donald Hoover in Midst of Moving to California

Get a schedule for is a good place to get tips for this. Pick a couple days a week to vacuum.

Housewife Cleaning Her Carpet with Vacuum Cleaners

Make a menu for a week or two and then take ONE day a week to go to the grocery store. That way you have more time at home to get things done.

Housewife Taking Canned Goods for New Point Rationing System Developed by Price Administration

Recruit helpers...even small children can help in the chores. Give them a chore chart with little rewards like stickers or dollar store "bucks" that they can redeem. (Need to take my own advice here. It's easier for me to just do it all, but it wears me out so)

Housewife Majorie Mcsweeney Tending to Son Shawn While Other Son Rusty Examines Vacuum Cleaner

Keep up with the dishes. I found saving them til after dinner and doing them once a day helps me not to be so weak. After I had help doing kitchen chores one night...I found that the following day when I woke up there were none to do! It was great. :) So, ever since then I decided to get the kitchen chores done in the evening and not wait til morning. It's working out great for me. :)

Attractive Housewife in Modern Kitchen, Washing Dishes

Save things like window washing for once a month.

Housewife Cleaning Glass Window Slats

And when you're all done...don't forget to relax! :)

Housewife Using New Innovative Crooked Back Brush Marketed by Los Angeles Brush Manufacture, Inc

The laundry...oh the dreaded folding and putting away. This one is hard. I usually do a load once a day, but I don't always fold it that day...I flutter around doing other chores. You may have better luck if you set aside a couple days a week when you JUST do laundry, no other chores.

Suburban Mother Playing with Her Two Daughters While Hanging Laundry in Backyard

I'm going to be making out a schedule for myself and see how it goes. I'm going to pick certain days of the week to do certain regular chores. I get all flustered trying to do them all at once. I need more organization...which I'm not that good at. LOL

I pray everyone is enjoying this season. I am. :)


  1. what a good list! my house is currently a wreck.. total chaos. I will definitely check out

  2. You found some really neat photos to insert with this post! Windows? once a month? eegads I have room to improve on that!lol I enjoy doing laundry whenever there is a basket full. Besides, it seems to put a little moisture into the dry winter air we have in the house. I wonder if you will get the same winter storm we are expecting to see blow in today! Take care.

  3. We are expecting a lot of rain. :( Wish it was snow. :)


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