Is there anything too hard for Jehovah?

Here is God's loving challenge to you and to me today.  He wants us to think of the deepest, highest, worthiest desire and longing of our hearts, something which perhaps was our desire for ourselves or for someone dear to us, yet which has been so long unfulfilled that we have looked upon it as only a lost desire, that which might have been but not cannot be, and so have given up hope of seeing it fulfilled in this life.

That thing, if it is in line with what we know to be His expressed will, God intends to do for us, even if we know that it is of such utter impossibility that we only laugh at the absurdity of anyone's supposing it could ever now come to pass.  That thing God intends to do for us, if we will let him.  Nothing is too hard for Jehovah to do for those that trust Him. "Streams in the Desert"

This was my devotion this morning...I could definitely think of the "thing" for me that would seem impossible and have given up hope in and it would be to see my "dad" again and have a relationship with him.  It has been my hearts desire to have an earthly father that is involved in my life.  But, I also know, it has to be His will.  It's just hard to know what to do.  Do I hold on to hope that someday by the power of God, we will have the relationship we both desire or do I give up on that thought, move on, and try to forget about never seeing him again?  With the holidays coming up, it stirs my emotions to what once was and it saddens me.  But I also know this...fretting over that from which we have been removed or which has been taken away from us, will not make things better, but it will prevent us from improving those which remain.  I just need the good Lord to guide me in this. I pray for them every night and so doing keeps all the hurt in the forefront.  I just don't know what to do about it.  I miss and love him dearly.  I just don't know how to let that go...I wish he could tell me.


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