Cold mornings...

It's been cold in the mornings around here.  The house quickly warms up after the fire is started in the woodstove. :)  It's almost that time of year...the time of hibernation.  Ryan will be laid off for the winter, the house is warm from the woodstove, and the house smells good from the goodies being baked.  It's a time of rest and time spent together. 

I've been feeling better...Some days still are clouded with aches and pains, but I am looking forward to the day when that surgical pain is all gone. :)  I've been able to do more and that makes me feel better.  I've been back to cooking supper every night.  It feels good to be able to provide that for my family again. 

We have revamped Hunter's homeschool and look forward to starting the new approach Monday.  This is a rich, advanced curriculum (Charlotte Mason approach) and I think he will benefit a lot from it. 

I'm really enjoying the coziness of the house on these cold days.  It's nice to spend time with my family. It's great to have my son at home with me to teach him life lessons and more about God.  It will be nice having my husband home this winter to help in that.  He is really desiring to build up our family and make it closer.  He is realizing that the three of us together are the only stable family he has and he wants to nurture that.  I won't complain. :)  God is really working in his heart.

I pray everyone enjoys their weekend.  I know I will. :)


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