A speck of dirt...

As I was driving down the road the other day, I looked over at a farmer's field. This is what was whispered in my ear.

I am like a speck of dirt in a farmer's field. I can't see anything but my immediate area or maybe just my whole field. I can't see the next field over.

God has a pilot's view and can see my field, the surrounding fields, and the WHOLE world. He knows best. He can see what's coming in the next field over before I can.

When I can't see the next field over, I can't understand why things are happening the way they are. So I get frustrated. Then there are times when I can see the next field over and then I get scared. :) In BOTH situations, I just need to TRUST. That is a very hard thing for me to do. Why? Not sure. We serve a great big God. Sometimes I forget that. His point of view is soooo much greater than ours. I just need to remember that I am a speck of dirt and He sees all, knows best, and His will is perfect even if we don't understand it because we can't see past our field.


  1. Very good blog! I've learned that with alot of things in my life, I do not understand them and that there is nothing I can do about them but hand them over to God and trust him...

  2. It's definitely hard to do. It reminds me of a video clip of a man and his dog. This dog is very obedient to his master. The dog was walking along and the master said "stop!" The dog stopped immediately. What the master could see from his view point the dog could not. There was a rattlesnake in the path of the dog. You're right, we just need to trust.


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