The center of my life

If you scroll down to the "labels" section of this blog, it will become clear to you Who the center of my life is. It's the label with the most posts... I serve such a faithful God. He is always there for me whether I "feel" it or not. He reveals Himself to me at what seem to be insignificant times like when I'm doing the dishes or cleaning the toilet. He also reveals Himself to me in the stillness of the day. When things are quiet and all I hear is the crackling of the woodstove, I hear Him speak to me in my spirit. He also reveals Himself to me through His word. (This is the way I hear Him most) Being in the word is so important. Just opening up the bible and reading a scripture that jumps off the page right into your heart is so moving to me. I love it. On a rough day, I came across this..."O Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy, in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief." Psalm 143:1 Or when I struggle wit...