I just don't understand...
And maybe I'm not meant to. I just don't understand the cruelty and cowardliness of some people. How can someone who calls themselves a christian purposely try to hurt others? How can they speak venom about things they know not what they are talking about? Cruelty from a christian is unbiblical and should never be present in their life, not if Jesus is their Lord. The love of a dad can never be taken away. It's stays with you in your heart forever. No matter what. Even if your dad doesn't love you anymore, your love stays. The influence and memories made become a part of you. It's just the way it is. I am so thankful that God is the Lord in my life. He is my Father in heaven. His love never fails and always stays no matter what. I am so thankful that my family doesn't have to see cruelty in our family. Many lessons have been learned from several opportunities. We love each other and care for each other. That's what fa...