When God speaks...

I thank you in advance for getting through this post. It reveals an ugly side of me, one that I hadn't really seen until God revealed it. I have eyes that see, but was too afraid to look. He has spoken to me on two separate occasions in the last two weeks...very clearly. Here are the two different times and I'll explain as best I can.

Friday....I take Hunter to horseback riding lessons every Friday. He has had several lessons, but on this particular lesson, God decided to open my eyes so that I may see. His instructor is wonderful. I have always thought so. But, on this particular day as I sat in the barn and watched her teach him, I was overwhelmed to tears. (Kinda embarrassing) You see God was revealing to me an ugly side of me and it hurt. I have never seen anyone be as patient as this woman is to Hunter. Her voice is soft, kind, and articulate. There is never frustration in her voice. She laughs with him. She was teaching him how to clean hooves and told him where not to be rough because it is soft tissue. Well, he forgot. (He didn't harm the horse, she caught it) I was thinking "Hunter, she just told you what not to do and then you didn't listen and did it anyway." But, that is me in my sinful nature. This is what she said.."We want to use this tool around the edge of the hoof and not in the middle where there is soft tissue. Here try again." Oh the shame I felt! I am so impatient at times with him. I can get irritated at his lack of focus. God showed me that I don't have to. Here was a living example that I could follow as she follows Christ. It's possible. I was tearful and came to her and said that she was a wonderful example of patience and I wanted to be more like that. She was gracious and gave me a hug and said the horses have helped her learn patience and that next lesson I could fiddle around with one. Wow....God is so good.

The next situation was Sunday night. We had a lady we know sit in front of us at church. I looked at her pants and it happened again. God spoke in an instant...a fraction of a second and my heart was filled with His words. I was brought to tears...again. See, her pants were very modest. I'll try and explain what He revealed to me in that fraction of a second. {He said to me...those pants are ok. They are modest, that's what matters. Why is it you still just wear skirts? To be modest? No, that is not the whole truth, Stephanie. Be honest with Me. You wear them to feel old fashioned and set apart from others. You wear them hoping someone will take notice. It's all about you. You aren't doing this for Me. Even when you are alone and doing your chores in your skirt, you feel self righteous. Wake up from this "sleep" you are in. Be modest. Period. Don't dwell on how modest you are. Dwell on Me.} Ok, by this time I was very overwhelmed and it took all I had to keep it together right there in church. Mind you this all came in a fraction of a second. Neat how God can speak to our hearts that fast. He is right, you know. He always is. It saddened me to see that ugly side of me, knowing it was true. But, He is full of grace. He didn't just leave me where I was...He woke me from my slumber. I pray He continues to rouse me from my sleep and reveal any other ugly parts that need to be given over to Him. Thank you, God for Your grace and faithfulness.


  1. This was such a precious post. I am blessed that you shared it. Thankyou. I get everything you are saying. HUGS, God is still working on us! Thank GOODNESS!


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