Doing what is best...

Our son Hunter is very technology savvy. My mom has bought him most all of his technical devises. He has an xbox, ipod touch, laptop, cell phone, etc. But, there is a problem. He has lost himself in all of it. He no longer reads books, creates things, plays much outside, or does much photography lately....he'd rather play video games. It breaks my heart...

So yesterday my husband put a stop to it. We are selling our xbox and he is limited on his laptop and ipod touch. He was NOT happy about this. He thought we were being unreasonable. We explained to him that we were doing what was best for him. He needed more time to be a boy and do things outside and with his friends. He needed more focus to be able to seek the Lord and what He wants for him. Taking away the drudgery of the video games and the negative affect on his brain (laziness, inability to concentrate, and lack of nurturing it) is going to help him become a strong, focused man of integrity when he gets older.

Telling our kids no may hurt their feelings and seem to them the end of the world, but it's something that needs to be done when it needs to be done. It's what is best...


  1. Good for you guys ! I have an Eight year old boy and we have had to do the same thing. It is not quite as easy with my husband because he gets caught up in the World of Warcraft, and our son follows. Its amazing how 'its just a game' but they literally become engrossed in it at the expense of everything else. I've even seen marriages and families torn apart from video games and internet. I don't think its all bad, but surly needs to be supervised and limited. I keep my Anthony only has a game boy and plays a certain amount of time a day and play the games I played which I don't think are as bad, race car games, Mario brothers etc. You guys are doing the right thing, good for you and your husband :)

  2. I am so happy that you and your husband are united on this and your motives are good and true and God approved for sure!

  3. It hasn't been as bad as we thought it would be. He seems to be relieved from that bondage. I'm so glad. :) His room is now clean, he spends more time with us talking, he plays with his friends, and doesn't mind doing his chores. God is GOOD! :)

  4. Hi :) I just started the Wife's Biblical Submission, and found you through there. I'm following you now, I love your blog. I think what you did is great. We have a computer, laptop, PS, 2 Xbox 360's, and a DSi. But not a single one of them are allowed to be touched during the week. Every single one of these are privileges that have to be earned through hard work during the week. And usually by the time the weekend comes, the boys would rather be doing something else than just sitting there in front of a game. God is GOOD!

  5. Thank you for the kind words, Kelly. :)


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