Hot Summer days...

It has been very hot and humid here for what seems like weeks. Everyday is muggy to where you feel like you're breathing water instead of drinking it. ;) It has taken a toll on my health a bit. I have become weaker and exhausted. My garden has suffered due to all the rain and heat we've had to which I haven't been able to get out in it and weed. I did do some last night, but I could only do 1 1/2 rows before I got extremely weak and had to go inside. :( The deer ate a lot of our plants and it's been so discouraging.

Today is going to be filled with resting and reading...I told Ryan yesterday that if there was anything they could do for me at the hospital, I would go. I haven't felt like I needed to be admitted in a long time. I'm praying this passes soon and I have my strength back. I've been fighting a migraine for 3 days and my brain is so scattered. I know it will get better....I just hope it's sooner than later. :)

Well, I'm going to go rest my brain a hurts too much to think of anything else to say today. I just want things to be back to "normal."


  1. It was so blasted hot and humid here on Tuesday! I felt light headed and sleepy and weak - and to make matters worse I had eaten a large hot lunch. How silly was that!? I hope your weather will turn more comfortable. My husband was let go from his job last week and we are leaving for an out west trip this weekend. Arizona in July will be hot but we will stay closer to the mountains than the desert I expect. I need to let my neighbors know that they can harvest my peas and beans for the next 2 weeks, sorry to hear about the deer eating your plants, Grrrrrrr! Anyway Stephanie I mostly just want to say I will keep you in a prayerful way today and I might just go ahead and drop you a postcard from "out west" OK? :)

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your husband's job. Thank you so much for the prayers. I miss the West so much! I would LOVE a postcard! :) That is very kind of you. I will keep your family in prayer, also. It's so nice to have support of other Christians even when we don't live near each other. :) I pray your trip is very blessed and enjoyable. Enjoy your husband.


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