Being what God created me to be...
Being a helpmeet to my husband is something God created me to be. Genesis 2:18 . It wasn't good for man to be alone. He needed a woman. He needed a woman to be complete and to help him. As a helpmeet to my husband, I help him with wood splitting , stacking, any repairs that need tools handed to him, doing household chores that he is not able to do as he is working all day, etc. I'm a listening ear for him when he needs someone to listen. Doing all these things, I glorify God because I am doing what He created me to do. As a Christian, I want to glorify the Lord. That pleases Him. And because I love Him, I want to please Him. I'm created to love my children. Titus 2:4 . God created women to give birth, not men. :) We have a special duty. As the husband works by the sweat of his brow, woman nurture the children. I realize this is not always the case. Some woman work and the children go to daycare. Some instances that is a necessity. But, if you are able, w...