Raising sons to value good character...

"The greatest investment a boy can make is in Godly character. One may have physical strength, bodily, health, a large bank account, and mental brilliancy, but if he is without sound character he never can become a great man of God. A good character makes a good man. A great character makes a great man. A Godly character makes a Godly man. But it can not be inherited, be handed down by father to son, nor be bought for a price. It must be built by choice and effort. Reputation is what we appear to be; character is what we are. A reputation may be lost in a moment, or in a single act; character will stand the test of time. Reputation is the shadow; character is the substance.

The world greatest need is men of right character on the farm, in the workshop, behind the counter, in the profession, the pulpit and the pew. Great and good men are needed in all walks of life."

This is an excerpt of the book
Personal Help for Boys
Building a Foundation of Godly Character for Tomorrow's Men
by the Pearables that my oldest son is currently reading through.

Many mothers feel it can be a struggle raising sons at times--
God has made them unique and ready to take dominion.

Boys will make mistakes, like all children will,
but we need to share the patience of the Father with them.

And when we make mistakes as imperfect parents,
we need to model humility and ask for forgiveness.

It is my hearts prayer that my five sons will truly learn what godly character is from a young age. While we try to model godliness, have available other godly role models, study and teach them the word of God-- we know that only God can lasso the heart, and that is the case for all children, and it is the prayer for each of my children.

"Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from Him."
Psalm 127:3

We need to encourage them daily in doing what is right without growing weary ourselves.

"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Galations 6:9

Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
James 3:18 
~From A Wise Woman Builds Her Home


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