Words from the past...

"Uncertainty is what drives, leads, pushes, encourages, takes (what ever the right word is) us to trusting Him. It brings us to the place of total dependence on Him which is what He desires. It appears He is doing a mighty work in you. It is only by His grace that you can rest in Him. No other person, self or things can bring the peace that surpasses all understanding. (Phil 4:7) that He places in a believer's heart. What a blessing you are to Him when He sees you fully leaning, depending & crying out to Him. That is His desire for all believers. His Hands are fully around you in every circumstance. He is GOD. He is the Father. He provides always. He comforts His children in His way. He doesn't always take away the physical pain but has a much better plan for it. Look how He provided and still provides through His Son. He is with you always and always will be.
I expect to see Him continue working in you for many years to come."

These words came from someone 9 mos ago. They are the only words I have left from them in written form. The rest are fading away bit by bit. I try and remember the wisdom that was bestowed, but it gets hard. I am thankful I kept these words and looked at them again today. It is just what I needed. What was spoken 9 mos ago, came into relevance today. :) I am thankful for God's timing and for remembering. The LOAD we bear sometimes can be a heavy one. But, that LOAD can be a blessing...


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