Taking a break...

from blogging the rest of the week. I know this may sound contrary to my last post, but I just need a break to get myself together. I'm in such turmoil right now I can hardly think straight. I have a lot going on in my life that hurts so much. I miss my dad so much it physically pains me. My heart aches from memories that keep coming back of good times that I fear will never be again. I cry, still. I just love him so much. I have no idea why I am having such a hard time of it, but the suffering is overwhelming to me right now. I just miss him so. My mom is just keeping herself busy with drama and hurting others that that is hurting me, too. My health is getting me down. I'm anemic again and I am so utterly exhausted that it saddens me. I just feel too weak to carry anymore suffering, but I know He can help me endure.

I just need to refocus, again. I am begging God for His peace to come upon me to help me shed some of this awful ache. I know He will, but it seems like He is taking His time.

Oh Lord, please take this burden of pain and heartache from me. Replace it with Your peace and joy. Strip me of this anguish if You so choose, if not, please help me bear it in a godly way. Give me strength to bear up under this season in my life. You are good in every circumstance.


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