What's it look like to be sick?

This is a photo that was taken this morning. I wanted to share it because sometimes people who are dealing with illnesses don't always look "sick." I have Myasthenia Gravis and possibly another underlying muscle disease. I also have Celiac. I don't look too sick though. But inside that body is swirls of pain, tons of weakness, shortness of breath, and periods of choking.

BUT, I don't let that stop me from living my life. I am happy and spiritually healthy! God has done great things in me and I know He will continue to do so. I am blessed to go to Venezuela and do God's work there.  I am SO excited about that!

He has given me the knowledge of how to care for my body despite the diseases that lurk there. I eat all natural, wholesome, healthy, clean (except for the occasional guilty treat :)). I treat my colds, stomach upsets, pain, etc with herbs and not conventional medicine (unless absolutely necessary). God gives me the strength I need to complete each day...no more.  He even gives me little blessings like waves of hello from a loved one.

So even though I don't look sick today (some days I look worse LOL)...I am. Keep in mind that everyone has a story and even though they may look happy, healthy, together, etc...they may not be. Give them grace and friendship and a listening ear. Not all illnesses are physically evident all the time. :)


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