
There are two different kinds of dreams. One is when you sleep and the Lord allows "movies" to play in your mind. You sometimes get to see people you haven't seen in a while, or watch your life play out, or enjoy an evening by the ocean, or even possibly see things that have not yet occurred, but will. I dream a lot. Last night I dreamed of my "dad" and he picked us up to go to dinner. He said he missed us and wanted to see how we were doing. He drove, my husband sat in the passenger seat, and Hunter and I sat in the back. It was nice actually. As he drove, he told me how proud he was of me and he was sorry he couldn't tell me. He said he loved me and wanted me to keep seeking the Lord and what He wanted me to do in this life. I'm sure he talked to my husband and son, but in the dream, I only heard what was spoken to me. After supper, he gave me a giant hug that I could still feel when I woke up. :) I'm sure I dreamed this because I've been missing him. But, I also believe I dreamed this because I need to be praying for him. You see, whenever I dream about anybody at all, it is my cue to pray. Sometimes it doesn't even matter what the dream was about, it is about the people in it. So whomever is in my dreams, I pray for them. So I prayed for my "dad."

Other dreams are what I call aspirations. I talked a bit about this in a previous post. I have lots of dreams. I dream of one day traveling to different lands and being a witness for Christ. I dream of living a very simple life when my son moves out and has his own life. Like getting a motorhome and living in that and just moving from place to place seeing this country. My husband would work odd jobs in whatever town we stopped in so we could have groceries and gas, etc and moving to the next town. :) (that one will probably stay a dream lol) But, seriously, I do dream of being a missionary, either permanently or part-time where we go somewhere once or twice a year.  I also dream of one day having a whole day without pain. Hey, I can dream, right. ;) I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, I'm not. Just dreaming...I'm not one to complain about the pain I go through everyday. Instead, I push through it on a daily basis. My family knows how much it hurts just by my eyes, no need to speak a word. :) Those are just some of the dreams I have. :)

I am thankful for both kinds of dreams. In one, I can see and hug loved ones that I wouldn't normally be able to. I can sit and talk with them and share things going on in my life and get that in return. In the other, I can picture what God could do with my life. 

How 'bout you all? Do you have dreams of either kind?


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