My thoughts for today...

What are your aspirations in life? Is there any point to it? Do you get up, go to work, come home, eat, go to bed and do it all again the next day? Seems pretty empty. We should be reaching for more. But, not just anything more...more of Jesus. Making a difference for Christ is never empty or pointless. It is something to be sought after. Our life should not be about us...but about Him. Ecclesiastes talks about life without Christ is futile and a chasing after the wind...meaningless. God has put a fire in me that is burning so hot I can hardly stand it. He is working in me in ways I can't articulate. I want to GO and DO for Him. I want to make a difference in this world in His name. I can't tell you how EXCITED I am about Venezuela. Getting to serve there brings me so much JOY. I can hardly keep still. I'm fidgety even. I look forward to what God is going to do there and in me. I am so thankful to have a husband who lives for the Lord and is just as excited as I am. It's is such a blessing to do life together and head in the same direction...the cross.
I know there are MANY distractions in this world...finances, food, health, etc, but in the end all of that doesn't matter. What matters is what we did for God. How did we live our life for Him? Did we sit and fret over money, food, pine away over our health, etc. or did we give that over to God, move on and live our life according to His will?
I am in no way perfect. I have several issues that God is dealing with me on and I'm thankful for it! He doesn't leave us where we are, but guides us further on...Builds us up stronger so that we can withstand the trials of this world.
I will seek Him, live for Him, work for Him, encourage for Him, teach for Him, love for Him regardless of the incurable illnesses He has allowed me to have. After all, He is the One who created me and knows my limitations. I will keep going until He stops me. :) Don't let hard times stand in the way of your work for Him. He will make a way...


  1. Thanks for posting this. Sweet JESUS is ALWAYS good and ever to be praised!

    Have a blessed day in THE LORD!

    Matthew 6:33


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