
Showing posts from June, 2011

What a blessing!

Raise Money Online My husband and I are going to Venezuela in October (Lord willing) for a mission trip to help build a place for the people to worship in (they are currently worshiping outside) We are so excited that someone has stepped up to match donations until July 12th! All donations made up until then will be matched dollar for dollar! What a blessing! You can read more about what we are doing if you click on the above. We would appreciate your prayers for my health, my knee, safe travel, no sickness while there, strength while there, for the people of Venezuela, for safety as we build a place for them to worship, for God to raise up people to help support us, and for unity in our group. If you'd like to donate, you can click on the link. ANY size donation is appreciated! Join us in God's work in Venezuela. Thank you! :)

Such a pretty day...

It is gorgeous outside this morning. The sun is shining and the temps are supposed to be mild today in the low 80's. :) I am thankful for these days... I got a new bible yesterday, it's a different version than I'm used to (ncv), but I like to read a different version every now and then. Chickens are laying well (a dz a day) and I enjoy watching the run around the yard. Our garden is doing ok. It's hard to get in it and weed with the rain we had and with my knee issue. I got a steroid shot in it a week ago and it was doing so well until today :( Back to being swollen again. It's really discouraging. I haven't been much for words lately. Really not much to say. I hope you all are doing well.

The Lord is my strength...

"The Lord hath sent strength for thee" (Ps. 68.28, PBV). The Lord imparts unto us that primary strength of character which makes everything in life work with intensity and decision. We are "strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man." And the strength is continuous; reserves of power come to us which we cannot exhaust. "As thy days, so shall thy strength be"--strength of will, strength of affection, strength of judgment, strength of ideals and achievement. "The Lord is my strength" to go on. He gives us power to tread the dead level, to walk the long lane that seems never to have a turning, to go through those long reaches of life which afford no pleasant surprise, and which depress the spirits in the sameness of a terrible drudgery. "The Lord is my strength" to go up. He is to me the power by which I can climb the Hill Difficulty and not be afraid. "The L...

Make your own groceries...granola


Herb Talk-How to make herbal tinctures...

I have a video I made on how to make herbal tinctures. It's my first one and is kinda wonky, but I hope it gives you a general idea. :)  You have to turn up your speakers due to our lovely cicada invasion. :) Oh and I know there are words on my face in the beginning. Came from where I edited the video. I'm not savvy and I don't know why they are there. Hopefully the next ones are better. :)  I was so nervous! LOL

Weights become wings...

"They shall mount up with wings as eagles" (Isa.40:31). There is a fable about the way the birds got their wings at the beginning. They were first made without wings. Then God made the wings and put them down before the wingless birds and said to them, "Come, take up these burdens and bear them." The birds had lovely plumage and sweet voices; they could sing, and their feathers gleamed in the sunshine, but they could not soar in the air. They hesitated at first when bidden to take up the burdens that lay at their feet, but soon they obeyed, and taking up the wings in their beaks, laid them on their shoulders to carry them. For a little while the load seemed heavy and hard to bear, but presently, as they went on carrying the burdens, folding them over their hearts, the wings grew fast to their little bodies, and soon they discovered how to use them, and were lifted by them up into the air--the...

Father's Day...

This day is a hard day for's also my "dad's" birthday.  There isn't much I can say. I am so thankful for the relationship we had.  It was true and real and loving. The time he was able to be a dad to me, I learned a lot about God the Father, life, and family. I just wish there was more time to learn more.  I pray he knows I will love him always and wish him a happy 61st birthday. I miss his words of wisdom, comfort, guidance, and love...and his hugs. My step-dad was killed 3 days after my 31st birthday (4 yrs ago). I miss him, too. I miss his chuckle and his presence. I always felt secure when I was near him.  I often wonder what my real dad is doing.  He doesn't want me or any contact with me. For no fault of my own.  I did nothing. Just was born.  For some reason I have yet to discover (aside from God wanting to be my only Father) why God has allowed me to be fatherless.  Oh how hard it is to not have any comfort from a dad.  ...

Make your own groceries...

Homemade Granola. Now, you can certainly adjust what you put in your granola...personally I like raisins, slivered almonds, and craisins. :) 2 c whole oats 2 c quick oats 1/2 c coconut oil 1/2 c pure maple syrup 1 T organic cane sugar 2 t vanilla 3 t cinnamon 1 c raisins 1 c craisins 1/2 c slivered almonds Mix together well and lay out on cookie sheet. Bake at 250 for 30 min and stir.  Bake another 30 min and stir. Bake at 10 min increments if it is not dry yet. Let sit for an hour before packaging. So good!

The grocery store...

I don't know about you, but it seems the prices at my grocery stores have gone up considerably. I was in shock as I walked the isles Monday.  Cereal I buy went up .30 a box. Fruit (good fruit) seems to have skyrocketed. Meat is ridiculous. It just makes it difficult to eat good foods.  Sure, if you eat preservatives, dyes, corn syrup, junk food, etc, it seems to be affordable. It seems to be so important to make your own groceries.  Yesterday, I made peach jam from the peaches I got on our mission trip. Sweet Georgia peaches. :)  I have 13 jars of jam and I am happy with that. Today, I am making some homemade granola. It's so much better for you than store bought.  I am anxiously waiting for my garden to be ready to harvest. :) I just can't see how we are to eat good foods when it has been made so difficult. I have had to get more creative. That's a shame. I should just be able to get good food for my family and have to search for the "junk." But, that's...

The swallows...

My beloved swallows were back yesterday. :) They flutter by me as I mow the yard....back and forth. They are so graceful in their flight. They look so free and happy. :)  Making more soap today after I go to my doctor's appt. I have to see her about the migraines I've been having. So far, they have stayed away for a couple weeks. She will give me something to take when I get one to help them go away. That will be great as they last 4-7 days. Getting things ready this week for the Saturday Produce Market here in town. It has gone well. :) I sell my soaps, lip balms, and bug repellent. It's fun. :) An herb store here in town called Mari-Mann Herbs has started carrying my soap. I'm pretty excited about that. :) I'd better get moving this morning...helping my husband put up trim boards and staining trim around a window.  :)  Hope you all have a great day!

I'm baaaack!

I returned from the mission field of Appalachia last night. I am exhausted, but it was worth it. God did a great work through our team out there. We remodeled the outside of a house for an old couple. That was quite the task.  There were tons of wasps to fight through. We went through 16 cans of wasp spray and could have used 4 more! Two of the team members got stung. :( This is a picture of one couple whom we were helping. :)  This is the front of the house before work.  Here I am trying to pull off some old plywood from the side of the house.  This is the backside of the house. They guys are hard at work. :) Here is the back finished with a small deck attached. :) It was fun working on it. Here is the front of the house finished with a new front door and paint. :) We also did some work for an older pastor cutting trees and splitting wood. Getting shown how to work this particular log splitter. :) It got hotter and I got a bit weak so someone roll...

I'm leaving...

to the mission field that is. :) I'm heading out to Appalachia early Sunday morning. I am looking forward to doing some work there. I would appreciate your prayers very much. I have been a lot more weak and tired lately due to my Myasthenia Gravis. I need my strength to split and stack wood and do work on a house there. We will have very long days. I will see you all in a week. :) I hope your week is blessed.

Words from the past...

"Uncertainty is what drives, leads, pushes, encourages, takes (what ever the right word is) us to trusting Him. It brings us to the place of total dependence on Him which is what He desires. It appears He is doing a mighty work in you. It is only by His grace that you can rest in Him. No other person, self or things can bring the peace that surpasses all understanding. (Phil 4:7) that He places in a believer's heart. What a blessing you are to Him when He sees you fully leaning, depending & crying out to Him. That is His desire for all believers. His Hands are fully around you in every circumstance. He is GOD. He is the Father . He provides always. He comforts His children in His way. He doesn't always take away the physical pain but has a much better plan for it. Look how He provided and still provides through His Son. He is with you always and always will be. I expect to see Him continue working in you for many years to come." These words came fr...

God is able...

I heard this phrase last night during small group. We talked about how there aren't many godly fathers to be an example to their family. We talked about how my husband and I do not have that example at all in our life. We see no physical example in front of us. But, the one example we do have is Christ. And He is able. He is able to get us through times in our life that are very difficult. He is able to change hearts to become more like Him so that that person can be a physical example to their children. When there is a desire to change...God is able.