Raising Chickens...

We decided to raise chickens this year for eggs. This is our first time doing it. I'm pretty excited about it. I've wanted to do it since I was a kid. Here they are at a couple days old. The cute little fuzzy butts. lol. We have Jersey White Giants, Barred Rocks, Black Sex Links, and Buff Orpingtons. When you first get them they need to have a heat lamp that heats an area in the brooder to about 95 degrees. You decrease this every week by 5 degrees. Once they feather out completely around six weeks they can go in the coop. This green bin was our first brooder until they got bigger.

The need chick starter until they are ready to lay and then they will need laying feed. They are so fun to play with! You can feed them their feed from your hand and it tickles a lot! Hunter loves it! (Me too) My husband had to build them another brooder because they were outgrowing this one. Here they are around 2 weeks old. What a difference a couple weeks make!

This is the new brooder Ryan built.

Here is a Barred Rock (in the back), a Jersey White Giant (foreground), and a Black Sex link.

You can see more of their feathers now. The yellow ones are Buff Orpingtons. They enjoy their new home, but it won't be long until they go to the coop. They should probably go around Easter if the weather temperature permits. It needs to be at least 70 degrees out for them. They are such a pleasure to watch be chickens. :) I really enjoy it.


  1. We have chickens too, and it is so nice to know what their eating and how old your eggs are! We sell our eggs, and those two reasons are why everyone buys them:) We have Isa brown, but we've tried the buff and barred rock before...they're very pretty birds!!


  2. We are really enjoying them. The only thing is they are very dusty being inside! Everything is dusty in the room they are in. I think it has to do with the type of bedding we are using, crushed corncob. :)


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