
The weather here is chilly again. I think we are finally getting our Spring. It got so warm so quick, now it's making up for it. We have our woodstove going again. I am SO glad we have it. I hurt so much when I'm cold and the woodstove helps me so much. 

We had a couple turkeys go through our yard the other day...

It's so fun to watch God's creatures around our property. :) It's a real blessing to me.

Went to a funeral yesterday for one of our pastor's mom. You tend to ponder on life and death at those things. Yesterday was no different. I often wonder what people will say at my funeral. I hope to make a difference in someone's life even if I never know. God does. :)

I am noticing my bird feeders need refilled. Our silly Doberman will nudge it and knock out some of the seed and eat it! Crazy dog...

I would like to ask for prayer. I recently had another doctor's appt. for my RA. Come to find out my RA is doing ok right now, but my fibromyalgia is very bad. Worse than I had thought. That explains why my pain is always a 6-8 on scale of 10 every day. They gave me another medicine to try and *sigh* I didn't tolerate this and had to quit taking it. It made my brain feel like it was crawling around inside my skull. :( Short of taking pain killers every day (which I haven't take in a couple weeks. I try had not to take them), I need something else. There is a medicine that is used off label for fibromyalgia and RA call low dose Naltrexone or LDN. I asked if my doctor would try it and he said no because he doesn't know anything about it. :(  I go to my regular doctor next Friday and will ask her to prescribe it. I have done extensive research and will take that with me for her to review. Please pray that she will ok this and prescribe it. It has to be compounded at a compounding pharmacy because the regular dose for this med only comes in 50mg and we only need 1.5 mg.  There are virtually NO side effects with this and has promising results. Please pray with me that she will give this a try. Otherwise, I will have to look into taking pain medication that I can tolerate. So far, the vicodin gives me itchiness and migraines and the Tramadol makes me itch like crazy. NSAID's kill my stomach as I have a history of ulcers.

I hope you all are enjoying your Spring with the birds singing, flowers blooming, and warm breezes. :) Blessings to you all!
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  1. I nominated your blog for "The Versatile Blogger" Award. :D


  2. I pray that will prescribe you the new medication and that you will get some relief soon.

    Have a blessed week in our LORD!

    Matthew 6:33


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