Marriage Monday-a book review

A very sweet blogging friend, Darlene Schacht of Time-Warp Wife and New York Time best selling author, asked if I would write a review for her book "The Good Wife's Guide". I of course agreed! :)  The book's title alone had me sold. Those of you that know me, know that I have a strong desire to be the helpmeet God created me to be. When I saw the words "Enhancing Your Role as a Helpmeet" under the title, I knew I had to read it.

I am not the most eloquent blogger or speaker or adviser bear with me. I'm just gonna tell you what I thought. ;)

I loved it. I really did. I have read several similar books, but this one was such an easy read and so applicable. It's real and honest. 

She helps us be more responsible wives and keepers at home. She talks about the roles we have been created for as wives. She lets us know that we are not perfect, but we serve a perfect God who guides us in being a helpmeet and keeper at home.

“I’ve come to realize that being a keeper of my home doesn’t require flawless perfection, and never has. It’s all about being a gift to my family and to the Lord through the small sacrifices I’ve made with a willing heart…”

She gives words of wisdom with the defining biblical submission.

"Submission doesn't mean that we are weak-minded, feeble, or frail. It means   that we're empowered by choice, and that we're dedicated to esteeming others higher than ourselves."

She gives great advice to handle conflict in your marriage. Here is a quote from the chapter "Living in Unity"..."Humbly value him higher than yourself. Don't focus on your own interests, but be sensitive to him." 

A story in the chapter called "The Treasure of Your Heart" really got me thinking about my own self. She said we have the potential to affect others around us and leave an imprint on their life. She asked if we smile often enough...then she shared a letter from a reader who was afraid to smile. She had lost her two front teeth and didn't have the money to fix them. Darlene's response to her was amazing. I will let you read it for yourself. We all struggle with flaws at times. But, after reading Darlene's response and examples and being brought to tears...I aim to smile more! Amen!

She also gives great tips about organizing your home. 

What I loved so much about this book is how much she shared her heart. She was very open and that made this book come alive and makes it so much easier to apply. We all have read books on this or that, but if that's where it ends, then we have failed. Being filled with knowledge and tools is ok, but when we just let those tools sit in the toolbox and don't actually use them, those tools are worthless. They do nothing for us. But, when we physically pick up the tool and together use it to improve our life, that is valuable!

I encourage you to pick up this tool and use it! :) The ebook is is on sale for $2.99 right now! You can visit this link and check out the table of contents and a little more about the book. :)

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  1. That was an amazing review. Thank you so much!! I liked one of the quotes that you used so much that I put it on my facebook page today. LOL! Thank you, thank you. You are a blessing.


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