Redneck Walkway
The path from the house to the chicken coop can get very swampy and muddy when the weather gets wetter. It gets really messy. I finally decided I was tired of it. We had some old pallets laying around that weren't being used for anything else yet, so I decided to make a walkway.
We had some ruts from a bobcat we filled in with useless dirt (bagged dirt I bought thinking I would use it for plants...terrible stuff) Anyway, I then just laid out the pallets and wahlah...a redneck walkway. 😁
It'll do for now...
Follow @MoosHdHomestead

We had some ruts from a bobcat we filled in with useless dirt (bagged dirt I bought thinking I would use it for plants...terrible stuff) Anyway, I then just laid out the pallets and wahlah...a redneck walkway. 😁
It'll do for now...
Follow @MoosHdHomestead

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